Banking on Accountable Care Organizations
Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act creates a new class of healthcare organizations to fill the void of 40 million+ uninsured. Hear about banking use of IT to support accountable care organizations (ACOs).
Speaker Information:
Ralph Bernstein, senior vice president, Healthcare Payment Solutions at the U.S. Bank
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act creates a new class of healthcare organizations to fill the void of 40 million+ uninsured. Hear about banking use of IT to support accountable care organizations (ACOs).
Speaker Information:
Ralph Bernstein, senior vice president, Healthcare Payment Solutions at the U.S. Bank
- Discuss how this new format of providing healthcare, being pursued by provider organizations, has many challenges and thus demonstration projects are slated that will culminate in operational forms supported by the Department of Health and Human Services by January.
- Explore how to appropriately resource the ACO with health IT and financial resources.
- Review best practices emerging from within the banking segment to support the rise of the ACO.