Diagnostic screening programs help catch cancer, abnormalities or other diseases before they reach an advanced stage, saving lives and healthcare costs. Screening programs include, lung, breast, prostate, and cervical cancer, among many others.
Debra L. Monticciolo, MD, past president of both the Society of Breast Imaging and the American College of Radiology, explains the advantages and disadvantages of current breast screening technology.
A screen first approach for women who present with breast pain decreases healthcare spending without the risk of overlooking cancer, new analysis shows.
Debra L. Monticciolo, MD, past president of both the Society of Breast Imaging and the American College of Radiology, explains the advantages and disadvantages of current breast screening technology.
A screen first approach for women who present with breast pain decreases healthcare spending without the risk of overlooking cancer, new analysis shows.
Debra Monticciolo, MD, who has previously led both the Society of Breast Imaging and the American College of Radiology, discussed how different screening strategies may impact patient outcomes.
Debra L. Monticciolo, MD, past president of both the Society of Breast Imaging and the American College of Radiology, explains the advantages and disadvantages of current breast screening technology.