TIMS Medical releases TIMS MVP v5.0 for MBS, FEES and endoscopy study recording and enterprise imaging connectivity

Chelmsford, MA – August 7, 2023 – Today, TIMS Medical releases TIMS MVP 5.0, a major new upgrade to its flagship product for recording, editing, and archiving MBS, FEES and endoscopy studies in high-resolution video with synced audio. TIMS MVP 5.0 now adds template-based reporting, integrated notes & QuickPhrases, PatientView, importing of media files, enhanced triggering modes for endoscopy, automatic swallow detection, enhancements to the measurement toolset, and several other productivity improvements. Thousands of SLPs and endoscopy clinicians rely on TIMS MVP daily for reviewing, editing, and archiving these imaging studies.
TIMS Medical systems are widely used for imaging and diagnostics of dysphagia-related studies such as Modified Barium Swallow (MBS) and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES). Further, TIMS Medical systems are frequently used to support PACS and EMR connectivity for endoscopy (ENT, GI, & surgical imaging).
Customized Reporting, Templates, QuickPhrase
One of the most requested new features has been customized reporting and template building. Version 5.0 takes this to a new level with a flexible and customized report building platform built right into TIMS. Multiple templates can be created to fit each clinician’s needs. Since TIMS has complete access to all images in the study, key images can be automatically added. Any notes taken during the review or recording process and any Scoring information (introduced in version 4.5) are automatically entered into the report via the template. Multiple customized QuickPhrases can be defined to setup commonly used paragraphs, phrases, bulleted lists, and much more. Via a type-matching menu, QuickPhrases are added into individual reports and then can be modified as desired, saving minutes in the reporting process. For endoscopy, an integrated diagram tool (patent-pending) is included to specify the internal location of the image. With all of this automation, the report is nearly completed once the review and analysis process is done, saving significant time in the clinical review process. The reports can be sent to PACS, VNA, and EMR along with the video study or saved as a PDF for use elsewhere.
TIMS MVP 5.0 now provides a notes floating window to save SLPs significant time in the note-taking and reporting process. During the review process, or even while recording, SLPs can input notes on an overall study basis, or series-by-series as the notes window seamlessly auto-advances when you navigate between series during review. SLPs have an unobstructed view of the series video and all editing and review controls while utilizing the TIMS notes feature.
TIMS MVP 5.0 adds the capability to record a USB camera view as part of the study as an inset of the modality video. This camera view provides a recording of the in-room experience to see patient reactions, view scope technique, and provide training. The size of the inset view can be customized and placed in any corner of the modality video. It can be turned on and off for each series recording. Further, it can be used to record simultaneous MBS and FEES video if using a USB FEES scope (i.e. from ATMOS, PatCom, Optim, JEDMED, or any others). PatientView is included free for one year with v5.0 and is available as a renewable yearly license thereafter.
Import Media Files
Import JPG or MP4 files to any study. The images and videos are then available for review, analysis, and editing like any other recorded images and videos. Useful for importing other legacy MBS, FEES, or endoscopy studies, or for pathology or dermatology.
Automatic Swallow Detection
TIMS MVP 5.0 can now automatically detect swallow events and set a bookmark/flag in the timeline. Important in FEES for setting flags to quickly advance to each swallow during review and analysis.
Measurement Tools Enhancements
Precise calibration with a “find widest width” of an object (i.e. a penny) to better calibrate measurements. Easily extend any freehand telestration with Control-Shift-mouse drag. Makes for better freehand tracing of an object (i.e. bolus) for measurement and emphasis.
“Our customers have been asking for reporting from us to help streamline workflows. Our engineering team worked with these customers during the beta process to build the report during the review and analysis of the study so that all key images, notes, and scorecards get automatically added to the report. The result is a powerful template-based reporting interface with integrated notes and QuickPhrases that saves our clinicians major time in completing reports and delivering this important clinical information to enterprise imaging and the EMR,” said Tim Lauzon, Product Marketing Director.
TIMS MVP 5.0 is available now. Demonstrations and trainings are being provided now via online meeting. Contact us at info@tims.com or 978-458-4624 to schedule an online demo for your clinical team.
TIMS MVP Customers with current Support & Maintenance contracts as of the date of release are eligible for a free upgrade to TIMS MVP 5.0.
About TIMS Medical & Foresight Imaging LLC
TIMS Medical is a division of Foresight Imaging LLC focused on finished medical devices for the recording, editing, archiving, reporting, and real-time collaboration on medical imaging studies. Applications include modified barium swallow studies, FEES, endoscopy, interventional radiology, surgery, DICOM/PACS/VNA/EMR connectivity, and much more. Over 6000 systems are installed in hospitals, imaging centers, and medical schools worldwide. For further information, visit www.tims.com or email info@tims.com.
Foresight Imaging LLC is a world leader in the design of high accuracy, high performance video streamers, frame grabbers, & medical imaging hardware and software. Foresight Imaging video acquisition boards are the imaging engines of many finished medical devices and military imaging systems in use throughout the world. The company is certified to the ISO 13485 quality standard.
Foresight Imaging, TIMS Connect, TIMS Medical, TIMS MVP, TIMS Review, TIMS DICOM, and TIMS Medical Video Platform are registered trademarks of Foresight Imaging, LLC. PatientView, Auto-SYNC, IDEA, AccuStream, AccuStream Express, and the PACS Connectivity Solution are trademarks of Foresight Imaging, LLC.
All other products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. All specifications are subject to change.
Press Contact:
Brooke Beilman, Marketing Communications Manager
1 Executive Dr., Suite 202, Chelmsford, MA 01824
T: 978-458-4624 x287, Email: bbeilman@tims.com
About us
TIMS Medical is a division of Foresight Imaging LLC focused on finished medical devices for the recording, editing, archiving, reporting, and real-time collaboration on medical imaging studies. Applications include modified barium swallow studies, FEES, endoscopy, interventional radiology, surgery, DICOM/PACS/VNA/EMR connectivity, and much more. Over 6000 systems are installed in hospitals, imaging centers, and medical schools worldwide. For further information, visit www.tims.com or email info@tims.com.
Foresight Imaging LLC is a world leader in the design of high accuracy, high performance video streamers, frame grabbers, & medical imaging hardware and software. Foresight Imaging video acquisition boards are the imaging engines of many finished medical devices and military imaging systems in use throughout the world. The company is certified to the ISO 13485 quality standard.
Foresight Imaging, TIMS Connect, TIMS Medical, TIMS MVP, TIMS Review, TIMS DICOM, and TIMS Medical Video Platform are registered trademarks of Foresight Imaging, LLC. PatientView, Auto-SYNC, IDEA, AccuStream, AccuStream Express, and the PACS Connectivity Solution are trademarks of Foresight Imaging, LLC.
All other products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. All specifications are subject to change.