Enterprise Imaging

Enterprise imaging brings together all imaging exams, patient data and reports from across a healthcare system into one location to aid efficiency and economy of scale for data storage. This enables immediate access to images and reports any clinical user of the electronic medical record (EMR) across a healthcare system, regardless of location. Enterprise imaging (EI) systems replace the former system of using a variety of disparate, siloed picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), radiology information systems (RIS), and a variety of separate, dedicated workstations and logins to view or post-process different imaging modalities. Often these siloed systems cannot interoperate and cannot easily be connected. Web-based EI systems are becoming the standard across most healthcare systems to incorporate not only radiology, but also cardiology (CVIS), pathology and dozens of other departments to centralize all patient data into one cloud-based data storage and data management system.

lung cancer screening

Large language models not quite ready for cancer staging responsibilities

Although LLMs have seen rapid advancement in recent years, they still cannot compare to human radiologists when it comes to staging cancer using free text reports. 

radiology report bubbles translate informatics imaging

Automated feedback improves trainee reports, especially during after-hours

Such tools can be especially beneficial for trainees working late-night shifts, when quality feedback is generally delayed and more difficult to come by.


Many radiologists still unfamiliar with opportunistic screening applications

Although AI implementation in clinical practice has taken flight in recent years, opportunistic screening utilization has been less common.

breast radiologist breast cancer mammography

Breast density notification requirements officially go into effect

Imaging facilities are now required to notify all women about their breast density status after completing a mammogram.  

artificial intelligence robot evaluates healthcare data

Healthcare AI company launches radiology-specific vision language model

Harrison.rad.1 can conduct chats related to imaging, identify and localize X-ray findings, generate reports and provide its reasoning based on patient history and clinical context.

ChatGPT large language models radiology health care

GPT-4 is better at explaining IR procedures than physicians

The demand for interventional radiology procedures is growing, but it is a specialty for which health literacy is lacking.

Video interview with ACR CEO Dana Smetherman, MD, who explains how the American College of Radiology can help radiology practices evaluate and vet AI.

ACR offers resources to achieve radiology AI best practices

Dana Smetherman, MD, CEO of the American College of Radiology, explains resources available through its Data Science Institute to evaluate and validate the quality of imaging algorithms.


EHR intervention cuts unnecessary MRI orders by 35%

Many of these exams are ultimately deemed normal, and their results often do not affect how patients’ headaches are managed. 

Around the web

Debra L. Monticciolo, MD, past president of both the Society of Breast Imaging and the American College of Radiology, explains the advantages and disadvantages of current breast screening technology.

The new guideline details the best imaging strategies for a variety of clinical scenarios. 

"We are on the edge of a new journey in nuclear cardiology," explained ASNC President-elect Panithaya Chareonthaitawee, MD.


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