S.C. research net chooses Sun, Recombinant Data
Health Sciences South Carolina (HSSC) has selected Recombinant Data and Sun Microsystems to collaborate on its HSSC Integrated Platform for Research (HS-SCIPR), a statewide initiative for translational research and quality improvement.
The HS-SCIPR program spans some of the state’s research universities and healthcare systems such as Clemson University, Palmetto Health and the University of South Carolina.
HSSC has contracted with Newton, Mass.-based Recombinant Data to integrate and support an open-source technology stack that combines Santa Clara, Calif.-based Sun’s Java CAPS 6 with the Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2) and caBIG clinical research frameworks.
The i2b2 and caBIG tools will allow researchers to access clinical information from a repository.
The HS-SCIPR program spans some of the state’s research universities and healthcare systems such as Clemson University, Palmetto Health and the University of South Carolina.
HSSC has contracted with Newton, Mass.-based Recombinant Data to integrate and support an open-source technology stack that combines Santa Clara, Calif.-based Sun’s Java CAPS 6 with the Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2) and caBIG clinical research frameworks.
The i2b2 and caBIG tools will allow researchers to access clinical information from a repository.