Outside of the loss of human life due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the past two years have greatly affected hospitals, health systems and the way providers deliver care. Healthcare executives are grappling with federal monetary assistance, growing burnout rates, workforce shortages and federal oversight of vaccines and testing. This channel is also designed to update clinicians on new research and guidelines regarding COVID patient treatment strategies and risk assessments.


New PET imaging method could improve our understanding of long COVID

Researchers have developed a new radiotracer that targets one of the virus’ spike proteins, allowing them to track it longitudinally.  

Key trends in diagnostic heart testing: CT on the rise as some traditional techniques fall out of favor

The cardiac technologies clinicians use for CVD evaluations have changed significantly in recent years, according to a new analysis of CMS data. While some modalities are on the rise, others are being utilized much less than ever before.

Children show signs of post-COVID lung damage on MRI.

Advanced MRI shows decreased lung function in kids with persistent COVID symptoms

New research findings may help explain why children recovering from COVID-19 continue to struggle with lingering fatigue. 

COVID-19 linked to accelerated plaque growth, long-term risk of heart attack or stroke

These risks appear to be present regardless of a person's age or health at the time of infection.

COVID may cause 'rapid progression' of coronary plaques, imaging study suggests

These elevated risks extend well beyond the initial infection period, researchers caution.


COVID lung damage evident in up to 1/3 of cases 12 months after infection

These findings are not exclusive to severe cases of the virus and have been observed in individuals who reported having more moderate infections.

COVID-19 coronavirus mask smell

Chemical alterations in the brain hint at whether loss of smell will return post-COVID

Researchers have identified what they believe could serve as imaging biomarkers that predict recovery from anosmia after contracting the virus. 

differentiating between malignant and vaccine-related lymphadenopathy

7 COVID vaccine complications: The radiologist's role in identifying adverse reactions

Although serious adverse events related to COVID-19 vaccines are rare, some are life-threatening. It is important that radiologists are aware of how these complications present.

Around the web

GE HealthCare designed the new-look Revolution Vibe CT scanner to help hospitals and health systems embrace CCTA and improve overall efficiency.

Clinicians have been using HeartSee to diagnose and treat coronary artery disease since the technology first debuted back in 2018. These latest updates, set to roll out to existing users, are designed to improve diagnostic performance and user access.

The cardiac technologies clinicians use for CVD evaluations have changed significantly in recent years, according to a new analysis of CMS data. While some modalities are on the rise, others are being utilized much less than ever before.