American College of Radiology (ACR)

The American College of Radiology represents diagnostic radiologists, radiation oncologists, interventional radiologists, nuclear medicine physicians and medical physicists. The society represents more than 41,000 diagnostic and interventional radiologists, radiation oncologists, nuclear medicine physicians and medical physicists. ACR helps members, through advocacy, quality and safety, and innovation, and serves as the voice of radiology, demonstrating value and setting standards to advance the field and practice.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)

The ACR is seeking input on follow-up recommendations for abdominal aortic aneurysm

Specifically, the college wants additional input related to radiologic-recommended follow-up imaging of AAA, which is often discovered incidentally.

The American College of Radiology is seeking input on new MRI safety guidelines

The most recent updates contain “substantial new content and safety recommendations," the ACR reported recently. 


4 key trends in breast imaging

These trends include growth in 3D mammography, supplemental imaging for women with dense breasts and in the role of artificial intelligence.

Mahadevappa Mahesh, PhD, professor of radiology and a medical physicist at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, explains a new American College of Radiology (ACR) effort to ensure that lower radiation dose X-ray images under Image Wisely and As Low as Reasonable Achievable (ALARA) meet diagnostic reading standards. He spoke to Radiology Business at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2022 meeting.

VIDEO: Making sure lower dose X-ray is still diagnostic quality

Mahadevappa Mahesh, PhD, professor of radiology and a medical physicist at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, explains a new ACR effort to ensure that lower radiation dose X-ray images under Image Wisely and As Low as Reasonable Achievable (ALARA) meet diagnostic reading standards.


ACR recommendations result in 15-fold increase in breast MRI eligibility among cancer survivors

Prior to 2018, it was recommended that women at higher-than-average risk undergo supplemental breast MRI screening only if they had a personal history of breast cancer in addition to carrying a hereditary breast cancer gene mutation.

Interview with Stamatia Destounis, MD, FACR, a radiologist and managing partner at Elizabeth Wende Breast Care in Rochester, New York, chair of the American College of Radiology (ACR) Breast Commission, serves on the Public Information Advisors Committee for Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and on the Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) Communication Committee. She discusses post-COVID economic issues facing breast imaging centers, including the "great resignation" and lower reimbursements.

VIDEO: Issues with the great resignation and lower reimbursements in breast imaging

Stamatia Destounis, MD, FACR, a radiologist and managing partner at Elizabeth Wende Breast Care in Rochester, New York, and chair of the ACR Breast Commission, discusses post-COVID-19 economic issues facing breast imaging centers, including staffing problems from the "Great Resignation" and lower reimbursements. 


VIDEO: Where are we with AI adoption in radiology?

Bibb Allen, MD, FACR, chief medical officer of the American College of Radiology (ACR) Data Science Institute, discusses multiple factors involved in the adoption rate of artificial intelligence in radiology.

Ischemic stroke shown in CT scans. Image courtesy of RSNA

VIDEO: AI for stroke detection on CT imaging

Bibb Allen, MD, FACR, chief medical officer of the American College of Radiology (ACR) Data Science Institute, explains the trend of using AI for the automated detection of stroke on computed tomography (CT) imaging and the need to include radiologists on the stroke care team.

Around the web

GE HealthCare designed the new-look Revolution Vibe CT scanner to help hospitals and health systems embrace CCTA and improve overall efficiency.

Clinicians have been using HeartSee to diagnose and treat coronary artery disease since the technology first debuted back in 2018. These latest updates, set to roll out to existing users, are designed to improve diagnostic performance and user access.

The cardiac technologies clinicians use for CVD evaluations have changed significantly in recent years, according to a new analysis of CMS data. While some modalities are on the rise, others are being utilized much less than ever before.