Dictaphone's iChart charts growth
Dictaphone has announced that its iChart Managed Services program grew considerably in the first half of 2005. The program makes use of an ASP model to combine the capabilities of the company's speech recognition technology with a network of outsourced transcription service providers.
For Dictaphone, the Q2 2005 saw several key events for the iChart ASP business:
For Dictaphone, the Q2 2005 saw several key events for the iChart ASP business:
- Overall number of lines invoiced per month surpassed 30 million;
- Monthly invoiced line volume for outsourced services doubled from the end of 2004
- Number of billable sites for iChart topped 300; and
- A number of important new contracts were secured during the period including Adventist Health System, Sarasota Memorial Hospital, and Guthrie Clinic.