Poll: Security is top worry for IT professionals
Security is the top concern of IT professionals who manage storage networks, so says a Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) poll released this week. Some 32.5 percent of the 660 respondents indicated that protecting and securing stored data is their greatest challenge, CompTIA said.
The breaches in security and lost data could potentially have a very detrimental impact on a company's bottom line, said John Venator, president and CEO of CompTIA.
The security landscape is growing ever more sophisticated, considering the amounts of data being stored, increasing complicated storage systems, and government regulations. Organizations need to prepare by putting in place well-designed, well- managed and secured IT infrastructures, said Venator.
Additional results from the poll indicated that 16.9 percent of respondents believe management and administration of stored data is their greatest concern; while 10.1 percent said gaining faster access to data; 7.9 percent cited the challenge of increasing data accessibility; 6 percent said consolidating storage resources is their greatest task; and 5.6 percent revealed that compliance with government regulation (i.e. the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is a top concern.
The breaches in security and lost data could potentially have a very detrimental impact on a company's bottom line, said John Venator, president and CEO of CompTIA.
The security landscape is growing ever more sophisticated, considering the amounts of data being stored, increasing complicated storage systems, and government regulations. Organizations need to prepare by putting in place well-designed, well- managed and secured IT infrastructures, said Venator.
Additional results from the poll indicated that 16.9 percent of respondents believe management and administration of stored data is their greatest concern; while 10.1 percent said gaining faster access to data; 7.9 percent cited the challenge of increasing data accessibility; 6 percent said consolidating storage resources is their greatest task; and 5.6 percent revealed that compliance with government regulation (i.e. the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is a top concern.