Nuance releases Vocada Veriphy for critical test result management
Nuance Communications, a supplier of speech solutions, has released Nuance’s Dictaphone Healthcare Division’s Veriphy-Ready HL7 Integration Server (VIS).
VIS will automate the closed-loop communication process for critical patient findings by allowing Vocada Veriphy, Dictaphone’s solution for critical test result management (CTRM), to communicate directly with internal diagnostic systems and enterprise wide clinical information systems, Nuance said.
In the wake of the recently announced Veriphy 2.0, Dictaphone built VIS as a Windows-based application integration platform, based on the most widely deployed HL7 core engine on the market. Features include:
VIS will automate the closed-loop communication process for critical patient findings by allowing Vocada Veriphy, Dictaphone’s solution for critical test result management (CTRM), to communicate directly with internal diagnostic systems and enterprise wide clinical information systems, Nuance said.
In the wake of the recently announced Veriphy 2.0, Dictaphone built VIS as a Windows-based application integration platform, based on the most widely deployed HL7 core engine on the market. Features include:
- Seamless integration with internal systems, such as PACS, RIS, laboratory information systems (LIS), EMR and hospital information systems (HIS)
- Automated communication of critical test results from any internal diagnostic system to the ordering physician
- Automated documentation of the critical test result’s distribution, receipt and verification within any internal diagnostic system
- The ability to automatically populate the patient record in internal systems such as LIS, RIS and EMRs with the Veriphy communications audit trail