
This channel highlights factors that impact hospital and healthcare economics and revenue. This includes news on healthcare policies, reimbursement, marketing, business plans, mergers and acquisitions, supply chain, salaries, staffing, and the implementation of a cost-effective environment for patients and providers.

Arzhang Fallahi, MD, and David Hsi, MD, discussing imaging-based aortic stenosis screening

Q&A: Cardiologists explore the potential impact of a screening program for aortic stenosis

We already screen patients for breast cancer and lung cancer on a regular basis. Why not establish screening programs for aortic stenosis?

Medicare alternative payment models fee for service value based care

Unavoidability of ‘one-off’ imaging forces radiology to keep one foot in fee-for-service world

Radiology can participate only sporadically in CMS’s current conception of value-based care. Why?

money business cash flow dollar

Dense breast imaging specialists secure $12M in funding

Delphinus Medical Technologies says it will use the investment to expand the commercial adoption of its SoftVue 3D Whole Breast Tomography System.

Rethinking ICM storage could help imaging departments reduce waste by 59%

“While drug pricing is not opaque and absolute costs of medications can vary widely, any waste comes at a cost," researchers wrote in a new analysis. 

Stephen Little, MD, discusses trends in echocardiography at ASE 2023. #ASE23 #ASE2023 What is new in cardiac ultrasound.

Back in the spotlight: Exploring echocardiography's revival

American Society of Echocardiography President Stephen Little, MD, says several trends and technologies are coming together at once, leading to renewed interest in echo.

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‘I have no dose for anyone right now’: Drug shortage hits cardiologists in Canada, leading to delays

“It's very important,” one cardiologist said. “This is a life-saving test and it's very frustrating that we can't access the medication.”

Syringeless contrast media injectors like the GE Ulrich CT Motion have gained a lot of interest in 2022 because of the iodine contrast shortage. These systems use rollers to squeeze precise amounts of contrast from a large bolus container for multiple patients, helping conserve a significant amount of contrast.

Multi-use syringeless injectors could completely eliminate contrast waste

Such products could increase departmental efficiency and advance environmental initiatives in radiology, experts claimed in Academic Radiology.

Two examples of PSMA-PET scans showing numerous prostate cancer metastases spread throughout the body. Many of these smaller tumors would not have been dected on previous standard-of-care imaging. Photo on left courtesy of SNMMI, right University of Chicago. #PSMAPET

PSMA-PET a more cost-effective option for patients long-term compared to standard prostate imaging

The findings support adopting F-18 DCFPyL PET/CT as the standard of care for prostate cancer staging, authors of a new Scientific Reports paper concluded.

Around the web

GE HealthCare designed the new-look Revolution Vibe CT scanner to help hospitals and health systems embrace CCTA and improve overall efficiency.

Clinicians have been using HeartSee to diagnose and treat coronary artery disease since the technology first debuted back in 2018. These latest updates, set to roll out to existing users, are designed to improve diagnostic performance and user access.

The cardiac technologies clinicians use for CVD evaluations have changed significantly in recent years, according to a new analysis of CMS data. While some modalities are on the rise, others are being utilized much less than ever before.