Barco releases upgrade to new medical color display
Barco is releasing at SCAR a new upgrade to its 2MP color display system COLOR CORONIS 2MP, which can be used with the most recent technology in CT, MR and PET applications, Barco said. The core upgrade for this system is its new display controller for which supports the most recent 3D PACS technology. The controller is build upon the PCI-Express architecture, which is compatible with the most recent PC technology and makes the most of any system's image download performance. The display system is also designed to smooth-out 3D operations through its support of OpenGL 1.5 and Microsoft DirectX 9.0 standards.
An additional feature is a new, high-quality 21.3 inch color display which includes the In-Plane Switching (IPS) technology, allowing for improved viewing angle characteristics which will aid the diagnosis of conditions from multiple positions.
An additional feature is a new, high-quality 21.3 inch color display which includes the In-Plane Switching (IPS) technology, allowing for improved viewing angle characteristics which will aid the diagnosis of conditions from multiple positions.