BioImagene, Visuvi create pathology image search engine
BioImagene, a digital pathology systems provider, and visual search solutions provider Visuvi have created PathSearch, a visual search product for digital pathology.
PathSearch enables visual search for PathXchange community pathology portal and Virtuoso end-to-end digital pathology solutions. This partnership will allow pathologists, for the first time, to search with images without the need for detours via meta-data, potentially incorrect mark-ups and tags, according to Ajit Singh, CEO of the Cupertino, Calif.-based BioImagene.
PathXchange is a pathology portal that facilitates the exchange of information about pathology cases and is designed for pathologists to stay connected with their professional network and keep their professional knowledge current. Virtuoso is a role-based digital pathology system that enables pathologists, histo-technologists, lab administrators and clinicians to scan glass slides and then perform a wide range of functions - - including view, manage, manipulate, analyze, report and collaborate -- in digital form.
PathSearch enables visual search for PathXchange community pathology portal and Virtuoso end-to-end digital pathology solutions. This partnership will allow pathologists, for the first time, to search with images without the need for detours via meta-data, potentially incorrect mark-ups and tags, according to Ajit Singh, CEO of the Cupertino, Calif.-based BioImagene.
PathXchange is a pathology portal that facilitates the exchange of information about pathology cases and is designed for pathologists to stay connected with their professional network and keep their professional knowledge current. Virtuoso is a role-based digital pathology system that enables pathologists, histo-technologists, lab administrators and clinicians to scan glass slides and then perform a wide range of functions - - including view, manage, manipulate, analyze, report and collaborate -- in digital form.