Dynamic Imaging to participate in IHE's portable data for imaging demo

Dynamic Imaging will continue to demonstrate its commitment to supporting standard-based system interoperability in the field of medical imaging by participating in the industry demonstration of improved interoperability of imaging information exchange via removable media (such as a CD-R) at RSNA 2005. Visitors will be able to obtain samples of CDs formatted according to the requirements of Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise's (IHE) updated Portable Data for Imaging (PDI) Integration Profile.

Later, they can take these CDs to other participating vendors' booths and verify that the information on the CDs can be properly imported into those vendors' systems without need for proprietary converters and frustration of failures due to incompatible formatting. In addition to the DICOM images, the information on the CDs can include relevant information (such as images and reports) encoded in web-compatible formats and accessible via standard web browsers.

Standards-based media, such as CDs, are a critical component for institutions to go filmless. While many PACS vendors offer CDs, they frequently do not support standards, rely on proprietary data formats, are not able to be imported into third-party PACS and OEM workstations, have a different user interface than the PACS, and may not include reports.

Around the web

The new technology shows early potential to make a significant impact on imaging workflows and patient care. 

Richard Heller III, MD, RSNA board member and senior VP of policy at Radiology Partners, offers an overview of policies in Congress that are directly impacting imaging.

The two companies aim to improve patient access to high-quality MRI scans by combining their artificial intelligence capabilities.