Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT)

The Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT) focuses on the advancement and expansion of cardiac CT. The society serves a membership split about evenly between radiologists and cardiologists. SCCT hosts educational events, advocates for CCTA for reimbursement and helps set guidelines for cardiac imaging. The news, videos and content on this page are created by our Innovate Healthcare editorial team and focus on the clinical, operational and financial aspects of cardiac CT.

SCCT aims to provide common language for CCTA use with updated guidance

The Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography has developed a new expert consensus document designed to get physicians on the same page when discussing this growing technology. 

HeartFlow FFR-CT is a non-invasive imaging method to determine the fractional flow reserve for the entire coronary tree.

AI-based CAD assessments as accurate as FFR, new 10-year study confirms

The FDA-approved technology developed by HeartFlow can predict a patient's long-term risk of target vessel failure as well as more invasive treatments performed inside a cath lab. 

Joseph Swicklik, RT, Mayo Clinic, demonstrates how to use magic to calm pediatric patients during imaging exams.

Using 'magic' to calm pediatric patients during imaging exams

Joseph Swicklik, RT(R)(CT), Mayo Clinic, says magic tricks can help calm pediatric patients to overcome anxiety and make medical imaging exams run much smoother.

Video of Renee Bullock-Palmer, MD, FSCCT, director, Women’s Heart Center, and director, non-invasive cardiac imaging, at the Deborah Heart and Lung Center in Browns Mills, New Jersey, explaining the latest guidelines that support use of CT angiography at SCCT 2023. #YesCCT #CCTA #CTA #SCCT #SCCT23 #SCCT2023

What new data, expert guidelines tell us about the future of cardiac CT

Renee Bullock-Palmer, MD, details the latest guidelines that support the continued use of CT angiography.

Himanshu Gupta, MD, explains use of FFR-CT in daily practice at Valley Health System, New Jersey at SCCT 2023. #FFRCT #Heartflow #SCCT #SCCT23 #SCCT2023

The benefits of implementing FFR-CT in clinical practice

Himanshu Gupta, MD, says the implementation of FFR-CT at his facility has provided significant value. He and his colleagues are even working to explore additional ways the technology can help them improve patient care. 

Cardiac imaging expert Renee Bullock-Palmer, MD, explains how calcium scoring can determine if patients need to be on statins or not.

CT calcium scoring can determine if patients need statins

Renee Bullock-Palmer, MD, director, non-invasive cardiac imaging, at the Deborah Heart and Lung Center, explains CT calcium scoring can determine if a patient needs to take aspirin and statins for prevention of coronary disease.

Example of cardiac CT and how spectral imaging assessment of the scan and show areas myocarditis as part of a demo in the Philips booth at RSNA 2023. Cardiac CT took center stage in all of the large CT vendors this year at RSNA and four new CT scanners where introduced, all of which were being promoted for their cardiac imaging capabilities. Photo by Dave Fornell #RSNA #YesCCT #RSNA23 #RSNA2023

Cardiac CT's continued rise on display at RSNA 2023

CCTA has seen rapid adoption and growth over the past two years, and RSNA vendors fed that trend with new product launches.

Video of David Hur discussing how to overcome technical challenges in cardiac CT, which he presented on in sessions at SCCT 2023.

Overcoming technical challenges in cardiac CT

David Hur, MD, director of structural heart disease/interventional imaging at the VA Connecticut Healthcare System, and an assistant professor of medicine at Yale, explains the technical challenges encountered in cardiac computed tomography (CT) and how to overcome them.

Around the web

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These risks appear to be present regardless of a person's age or health at the time of infection.

Agfa and Sectra both performed well with end-user satisfaction scores in the 2025 Best in KLAS list of radiology IT systems.