AMIA hosts its annual symposium next month in Washington
More than 450 presenters are scheduled to highlight the 27th annual symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Nov. 8-12 at Washington, D.C.
The presentations will include the successes and failures of computer physician order entry (CPOE), a national policy to develop a health information infrastructure and the use of technology to help organize, analyze, manage and use information.
Attendees can participate in demonstrations, including an update on Web-based mAdb - the micro Array Database system developed jointly by the National Cancer Institute and NIH CPOE system at the University of Nebraska, Omaha. A demonstration of the U.S. Military's electronic patient record system also is scheduled.
The presentations will include the successes and failures of computer physician order entry (CPOE), a national policy to develop a health information infrastructure and the use of technology to help organize, analyze, manage and use information.
Attendees can participate in demonstrations, including an update on Web-based mAdb - the micro Array Database system developed jointly by the National Cancer Institute and NIH CPOE system at the University of Nebraska, Omaha. A demonstration of the U.S. Military's electronic patient record system also is scheduled.