Watchman closure device to recieve German reimbursement coverage
Atritech has announced that its Watchman Left Atrial Appendage Closure technology will receive German reimbursement coverage beginning in 2011, and has been added to an existing G-DRG (German Diagnosis Related Group) code.
The Watchman device reduced rates of stroke, cardiovascular death and systemic embolism by 30 percent during the PROTECT AF [atrial fibrillation] clinical trial when it was compared to warfarin therapy (Coumadin, Bristol-Myers Squibb/Sanofi-Aventis) in AF patients, according to the Plymouth, Minn.-based company.
The Watchman device reduced rates of stroke, cardiovascular death and systemic embolism by 30 percent during the PROTECT AF [atrial fibrillation] clinical trial when it was compared to warfarin therapy (Coumadin, Bristol-Myers Squibb/Sanofi-Aventis) in AF patients, according to the Plymouth, Minn.-based company.