Nuance launches mobile voice development challenge
Nuance Communications has called for medical speech recognition platform developers to give mobile clinicians a voice in its 2012 Mobile Clinician Voice Challenge.
The month-long event runs through Feb. 3 and asks healthcare developers to voice-enable mobile or web-based healthcare apps. The Burlington, Mass.-based mobile communications company is offering prizes to developers who demonstrate how voice-driven interactions with a mobile healthcare application can enhance clinicians’ experience, improve mobile workflow and lead to better patient care.
This challenge is open to all developers, healthcare independent software vendors, as well as internal development teams at provider and payor organizations in the U.S. Challenge entries will be judged on a variety of criteria including innovation, functional implementation, visual appeal and workflow or patient care benefits. Developers will have access to the Nuance Healthcare Development Platform.
The month-long event runs through Feb. 3 and asks healthcare developers to voice-enable mobile or web-based healthcare apps. The Burlington, Mass.-based mobile communications company is offering prizes to developers who demonstrate how voice-driven interactions with a mobile healthcare application can enhance clinicians’ experience, improve mobile workflow and lead to better patient care.
This challenge is open to all developers, healthcare independent software vendors, as well as internal development teams at provider and payor organizations in the U.S. Challenge entries will be judged on a variety of criteria including innovation, functional implementation, visual appeal and workflow or patient care benefits. Developers will have access to the Nuance Healthcare Development Platform.