New atherosclerosis treatment uses ultrasound-assisted lasers to break down plaque

Example of ultrasound-assisted laser arterial plaque removal, which might be developed into a new type of less traumatic atherectomy system.Image courtesy of Rohit Singh.
Example of ultrasound-assisted laser arterial plaque removal, which might be developed into a new type of less traumatic atherectomy system. Image courtesy of Rohit Singh.

The new technique is still in the development stage, but early research suggests it could provide clinicians with a new treatment option for breaking down arterial plaque. 

Gadolinium can be used as substitute for iodine contrast in some interventional imaging procedures

A comparison between a traditional iodine contrast angiogram (left), and a gadolinium contrast angiogram (right). MRI gadolinium contrast is starting to be used in some interventional radiology procedures and is being considered in interventional cardiology due to the iodine contrast shortage.
A comparison between a traditional iodine contrast angiogram (left), and a gadolinium contrast angiogram (right). MRI gadolinium contrast is starting to be used in some interventional radiology procedures and is being considered in interventional cardiology due to the iodine contrast shortage.

Gadolinium might be an alternative, stop-gap solution for interventional procedures during the current iodine contrast shortage.

Cloud: This Is Enterprise Imaging

Cloud technology

Medical images have long lived on legacy spinning disk. But healthcare systems are now leaving behind those on-prem, awkward boxes that require too much real estate, IT support and expense. Cloud is the choice to support enterprise imaging. If it feels like healthcare cloud is everywhere, you’re right. And here’s what you need to know to do cloud right.