A Florida heart surgeon would perform two invasive procedures on each patient's leg—whether required or not—and fraudulently bill insurers, according to a Department of Justice investigation.
This new legislation continues to recognize 2002 guidelines calling for screening every one to two years beginning at age 40, rather than the 'ill-advised' 2009/2016 USPSTF recommendations, the ACR said Wednesday.
The decision comes by way of a three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and overturns U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Michael Williamson’s ruling made in June.
The insurance giant refused coverage due to the "experimental or investigational" nature of proton beam radiation therapy treatment, according to court documents.
“This offers the potential to provide diagnostic imaging using copper-64 to plan individualized treatments with copper-67 agents for a wide range of cancer patients," Australian researchers explained in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine.
Those who underwent neuroimaging and were diagnosed with stroke were also twice as likely to die compared to age-matched controls, according to new research published in Neurology.
Not surprisingly, COVID-19 dominated the list, but there were plenty of other developments that piqued readers' attention during the course of this forgettable year.