Digital Pathology Pilot Predicts Prosperity: Pondering Pathology’s Pivot


When it comes to digital medicine, digital pathology is very late to the game. But its time is coming. And the benefits could be many: Bolstering the capabilities, efficiency and reach of individual pathologists, cutting patient wait times, streamlining multidisciplinary team meetings (MDTs) and offering more data-rich decision-making. It could even obviate a shortage of pathologists. Where does it fit into your strategic plan?

Q&A: Why the public should not worry about radiation contamination when bodies are cremated

Mahadevappa Mahesh, MS, PhD

Mahadevappa Mahesh, MS, PhD

When JAMA published research detailing radiation contamination in a crematorium, it gained considerable attention from both the mainstream media and the general public. Mahadevappa Mahesh, MS, PhD, chief physicist for Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, spoke with Radiology Business to provide additional information about this subject.