FDA approves USC's 7 Tesla MRI for clinical use


Courtesy of University of Southern California's Mark and Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute. 

The scanner—installed at the University of Southern California’s Mark and Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute (INI) in February 2017—may help in the development of care, treatment and monitoring of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases.

ACR’s Allen: Why structured use cases will drive adoption of AI in radiology

The American College of Radiology Data Science Institute (ACR DSI) recently released a series of standardized artificial intelligence (AI) use cases to help advance imaging in AI. Down the road, they could help create an “AI ecosystem” for radiology, wrote Bibb Allen, MD, chief medical officer of the ACR DSI, in a recent Journal of the American College of Radiology editorial.