Radiation Oncology

Radiation therapy uses high-energy radiation to damage cancer cells' DNA and destroy their ability to divide and grow. It is delivered using linear accelerators, proton accelerators, metered cobalt-60 exposure, or brachytherapy where radioactive seeds are placed inside the patient on a temporary or permanent basis to kill cancer or relieve pain. The main radiation oncology society and annual conference is the American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO).


PET/CT findings predict post-treatment, radiation-induced hypothyroidism

Radiation-induced hypothyroidism is common yet underdiagnosed, potentially owing to a lack of follow-up consensus in patients treated with radiation therapy for head and neck cancers.

New recommendations for cardiac CT in cardio-oncology imaging

The statement was written to fill gaps in recommendations from prior consensus statements and guidelines in regards to the use of CCT in cardio-oncology, including use of calcium scoring and ruling out coronary disease when cardiac function is impaired.

The approach—called GammaTile—involves placing small radiation seeds at a tumor site during surgery.

New radiation therapy treatment stalls recurrence while sparing healthy tissue in patients with brain cancer

The treatment has the potential to “extend lifespans and improve quality of life” in patients with brain cancer, according to experts at UC San Diego Health. 

Two examples of PSMA-PET scans showing numerous prostate cancer metastases spread throughout the body. Many of these smaller tumors would not have been dected on previous standard-of-care imaging. Photo on left courtesy of SNMMI, right University of Chicago. #PSMAPET

PSMA-PET is rapidly changing the standard of care for prostate cancer patients

Adoption of PSMA-PET has been swift because it can significantly improve prostate cancer detection and treatment. SNMMI President Munir Ghesani, MD, explains how.

non-small cell lung cancer tumor segmentation

Algorithm reduces NSCLC tumor segmentation times by 65%

In a close collaboration with radiation oncologists, experts trained their model on the CT lung images of 787 patients and tested it on the scans of more than 1,300 patients from external datasets.


Radiation therapy more likely to cause second primary cancer in prostate cancer patients

The authors stated that their results should not deter providers from offering their patients radiotherapy treatment but rather encourage in-depth discussions and shared decisions pertaining to the best options.

lung cancer pulmonary nodule chest

Preoperative PET/CT imaging linked with better survival in advanced lung cancer

PET/CT imaging in these patients increases overall survival depending on the cancer’s stage, with those diagnosed with stage 3A and 3B NSCLC appearing to benefit the most from the exam. 

Radiomic model predicts radiotherapy outcomes for patients with brain metastases

The model performed well in assessing treatment responses, but experts explained that one of the most beneficial aspects of their model was that its results are interpretable in a “clinician-friendly way.” 

Around the web

GE HealthCare designed the new-look Revolution Vibe CT scanner to help hospitals and health systems embrace CCTA and improve overall efficiency.

Clinicians have been using HeartSee to diagnose and treat coronary artery disease since the technology first debuted back in 2018. These latest updates, set to roll out to existing users, are designed to improve diagnostic performance and user access.

The cardiac technologies clinicians use for CVD evaluations have changed significantly in recent years, according to a new analysis of CMS data. While some modalities are on the rise, others are being utilized much less than ever before.