Siemens unveils dual-energy applications software
Siemens is adding to its clinical applications for its dual energy CT system. Source: Siemens Medical Solutions |
Siemens said its Optimum Contrast software brings new levels of contrast to sectional images created with dual energy applications. As a result, dual-energy applications, which were previously reserved for special clinical investigations, can now be used in a range of routine exams that involve contrast medium, according to the company.
CT systems can now combine the advantages of low and high voltage values of 80 kV and 140 kV in every image using Siemens Optimum Contrast software, Siemens said. Optimum Contrast is made possible by the use of two x-ray tubes that are capable of generating different voltages, simultaneously.
In addition, the software contains newly developed image optimization algorithms, which analyze the 3D data and determine the optimal mix of high and low voltage benefits for every image voxel to combine both worlds of multi-contrast images, making soft tissue and vascular structures containing contrast medium more recognizable, according to Siemens.