aycan Medical Systems
aycan Medical Systems (Booth 8710) is introducing the aycan store, a flexible DICOM archiving and distribution system. Built on extensive experience in long-term archiving of medical image data, aycan store offers entry level and scalable archiving systems, which can grow with a facility.
The company also is showcasing aycan xray-print, a DICOM paper print solution for sharing images with referral physicians and patients; and aycan workstation OsiriXPRO, image post-processing software dedicated to DICOM images for navigation and visualization of multidetector 3D-reconstruction studies.
The company also is showcasing aycan xray-print, a DICOM paper print solution for sharing images with referral physicians and patients; and aycan workstation OsiriXPRO, image post-processing software dedicated to DICOM images for navigation and visualization of multidetector 3D-reconstruction studies.