FDA clears Biospace med EOS x-ray imager, workstation
Biospace med has received 510(k) clearance from the FDA to market its EOS x-ray imager along with its new image workstation sterEOS, which enables 3D skeletal reconstruction.
The Atlanta-based company said its EOS is designed for clinical indications, such as spine pathologies and hip and knee arthropathies. EOS can capture head-to-toe images of patients in a standing, weight-bearing position with reduction in radiation dosage.
The new sterEOS 3D reconstruction and measurement workstation also is designed to reduce surgical planning time and establish an effective course of treatment, Biospace said.
The Atlanta-based company said its EOS is designed for clinical indications, such as spine pathologies and hip and knee arthropathies. EOS can capture head-to-toe images of patients in a standing, weight-bearing position with reduction in radiation dosage.
The new sterEOS 3D reconstruction and measurement workstation also is designed to reduce surgical planning time and establish an effective course of treatment, Biospace said.