IT in Global Health: New Tools for Old Challenges
Tuesday, Feb. 22, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Do terms such as e-health, m-health, ACOs and medical homes have substance--or are they just the hula hoops of 2010-2011? Will these concepts, powered by health IT, make an impact as we try to reform our healthcare system? To consider these aspects requires a different way of thinking, in which we apply new tools and new models to persistent health challenges.
Speaker Information:
Patricia Abbott, PhD, RN, BC, FACMI, FAAN, director, PAHO/WHO Center for Informatics, John Hopkins School of Nursing in Baltimore
Do terms such as e-health, m-health, ACOs and medical homes have substance--or are they just the hula hoops of 2010-2011? Will these concepts, powered by health IT, make an impact as we try to reform our healthcare system? To consider these aspects requires a different way of thinking, in which we apply new tools and new models to persistent health challenges.
Speaker Information:
Patricia Abbott, PhD, RN, BC, FACMI, FAAN, director, PAHO/WHO Center for Informatics, John Hopkins School of Nursing in Baltimore