MedQuist displays new version of SpeechQ for Radiology
MedQuist Inc. debuted the latest version of its SpeechQ for Radiology Version 1.1 last week at the Society for Computer Applications in Radiology (SCAR) Annual Meeting in Orlando, Fla. This upgraded release includes a number of new features, many suggested by MedQuist customers, including:
- Enhanced Command and Control options which provide users with additional voice commands to navigate through the application.
- Enhanced Auto-Text that allows physicians to sort personal and system- wide auto-text macros and templates, based on preference and grouping. The system can automatically suggest specific auto-text, depending on the type of exam, for increased efficiency.
- Alternative Words allows physicians, medical editors and transcriptionists to hot-key to an alternative word list.
- Instructions/Notes Voice Enabled assists physicians dictating instructions or notes for the editor or transcriptionists.
- Updated ConText - the radiology terminology lexicon has been updated for increased accuracy.