Viztek enters mobile radiology market
Viztek has outfitted Honda Elements with Viztek Opal-RAD PACS and Kodak Point-of-Care CR.
The Viztek mobile imaging vehicles can also fully support ultrasound technology. The cars are complete with Opal-Multi-Point (Opal-MP), comprised of on-board notebook computers, pre-programmed with Viztek’s Acquire software that automatically pushes images to the radiology practice’s main Opal-RAD server, according to the Jacksonville, Fla.-based company.
Remote radiologists log into the Opal-RAD Web-based PACS, which can be downloaded from a central, to read and dictate directly into the system. The radiology practice can maintain several contracted transcriptionists around the country, who can log in remotely and transcribe exams, Viztek said.
“This web-based technology allows underserved medical facilities, such as remote hospitals, to get quality service with rapid turnaround time,” says Steve Deaton, vice president of sales at Viztek.
The Viztek mobile imaging vehicles can also fully support ultrasound technology. The cars are complete with Opal-Multi-Point (Opal-MP), comprised of on-board notebook computers, pre-programmed with Viztek’s Acquire software that automatically pushes images to the radiology practice’s main Opal-RAD server, according to the Jacksonville, Fla.-based company.
Remote radiologists log into the Opal-RAD Web-based PACS, which can be downloaded from a central, to read and dictate directly into the system. The radiology practice can maintain several contracted transcriptionists around the country, who can log in remotely and transcribe exams, Viztek said.
“This web-based technology allows underserved medical facilities, such as remote hospitals, to get quality service with rapid turnaround time,” says Steve Deaton, vice president of sales at Viztek.