Health Information Exchange at the Bedside: Promise Meets Reality
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Health information exchange (HIE) promises new levels of support for clinical hospital and clinic medicine. From real-world experience, this session discusses marrying existing real-world workflows to new sources of information.
Speaker Information:
Health information exchange (HIE) promises new levels of support for clinical hospital and clinic medicine. From real-world experience, this session discusses marrying existing real-world workflows to new sources of information.
Speaker Information:
- Richard Taylor, MD, CMIO, Providence Health and Services in Portland, Ore.
- List at least five unique sources of information available through HIE.
- Identify barriers to workflow integration for each unique source of information.
- Define EMR features that lower or remove barriers to workflow integration of exchanged data.
- Describe workflow changes needed to use new EMR features and to work around existing barriers to interchange.
- Identify organizational metrics and clinical quality indicators that will demonstrate adoption and use of HIE information.