New Patient Privacy and Consent Standards for a Connected World
Monday, Feb. 21, 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Industry forces are combining with regulation to create privacy standards for HIOs to protect health information and ensure patient trust in health information exchange (HIE). Recent trends and developments are detailed in this presentation.
Speaker Information:
Gerry Hinkley, JD, co-chair of the healthcare industry team at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman
Deven McGraw, director of the health privacy project at the Center for Democracy and Technology
Industry forces are combining with regulation to create privacy standards for HIOs to protect health information and ensure patient trust in health information exchange (HIE). Recent trends and developments are detailed in this presentation.
Speaker Information:
Gerry Hinkley, JD, co-chair of the healthcare industry team at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman
Deven McGraw, director of the health privacy project at the Center for Democracy and Technology
- Identify regulatory requirements for patient privacy in HIE.
- Recognize trends in industry practices to protect health information.
- Examine how consumer expectations are molding IT.
- Assess the potential impacts of personal health records and social media on protection of health information.
- Determine approaches to addressing health information privacy in your organization.