Editor's Note: Here and There
It’s a busy time of year. June brings the annual Society of Nuclear Medicine meeting in Washington, D.C., from June 2 to 6, with an emphasis on advances in molecular imaging. Molecular imaging is a fast-evolving field that’s making a difference in more accurate diagnoses, namely in cancer detection and staging and assessing cardiac perfusion.
It is enabling more appropriate and timely treatment decisions. To meet the needs of this growing market, this month Health Imaging Media is launching Molecular Imaging Insight — a new digital magazine focused on bridging the science of molecular imaging and clinical practice, which will be published quarterly. (To subscribe, visit MolecularImaging.net.)
A day after SNM wraps up, imaging informatics takes center stage at the Society of Informatics in Medicine (formerly SCAR) meeting in Providence, R.I. Besides the variety of valuable educational opportunities for imaging and informatics professionals, SIIM has a hometown twist for us, since Providence is the home base of Health Imaging & IT. If you’re headed to town — welcome! In between the sessions and networking with colleagues, be sure to enjoy a little bit of Providence — the capital of the “biggest little state in the union” (drive 7 minutes east and you’re in Massachusetts). From the convention center, walk a few blocks to see America’s first shopping mall, the Arcade, built in 1828, or visit the Rhode Island State House that boasts the fourth largest unsupported marble dome in the world. Or walk across the street to Waterplace Park for a nice view of the city and the site Friday night, June 8th of WaterFire — an event sponsored by Health Imaging Media that features cauldrons of hardwood set afire on three rivers that run through the city. It’s really something to see.
And if that isn’t enough, to keep pace with a busy imaging and IT marketplace, our newsletter — Health Imaging News — now comes out daily. (To subscribe, visit HealthImaging.com.)
I hope to see you in Washington or Providence.