Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen produces three new spin-offs
German research center Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen announced today that the company had successfully finalized three new spin-offs within the past year to include SurgVision, Trianta Immunotherapies and Dosimetrics.
The new spin-off companies are branching out into three different areas of clinical imaging, immunotherapy and radiation dosimetry. Intraoperative and fluorescent molecular imaging guidance is in development with SurgVision, which was licensed in September. A clinical study involving molecular image guidance of breast cancer procedures is already under way.
The Trianta Immunotherapies spin-off also was made effective September to allow the new company to continue developing immunotherapies. The company is developing adoptive T-cell therapies and vaccines from dendritic cells.
Dosimetrics, the third company to receive independent licensing in September, is now a producer of personal dose monitoring technology featuring optically stimulated luminescence technology that reads levels of ionizing radiation. The new company was carved out from what was once the largest dose monitoring facility in Europe.