The Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research, which includes the American College of Radiology and Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, is pushing for a bump to the institute's budget.
Researchers from around the world pooled together imaging data on patients with a rare genetic condition to create the largest neuroimaging study of DiGeorge syndrome.
The House Ways & Means Committee unveiled its proposal earlier this month, which includes a mediation process that does not exclude providers based on an established qualifying threshold.
“We’ve flipped the concept from having to get patients to the MRI to bringing the MRI to the patients,” said senior author of the preliminary research, Kevin Sheth, MD.
Magnetic resonance texture analysis is part of a growing field that uses math to detect changes in imaging signals, and could be used to develop neuroimaging biomarkers to better understand the disease.
Idaho-based International Isotopes has received U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for its radioactive therapeutic agent used to treat thyroid cancers.
Discussing discordant findings on breast cancer screening exams improves care, and international experts believe the U.S. should reconsider its "single-reader paradigm," they wrote in Radiology.
Randall Batemen, MD, principal investigator of the research and a neurologist at Washington University in St. Louis, told the New York Times the results were "really crushing."
The National Institute on Aging awarded Wake Forest School of Medicine a five-year grant to examine if a novel PET tracer can help researchers tackle the disease.