MRIs of autistic children reveal new insights into neural connectivity 

The team, led by Terisa P. Gabrielsen, PhD, assistant professor at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, successfully conducted structural and functional MRI scans of 37 children and adolescents between the ages of 7 and 17 years with autism—including 17 with less-developed language skills, according to research published online Jan. 2 in the journal Molecular Autism.

Optical imaging system visualizes molecular features of breast cancer tissue in real-time


Label-free intraoperative nonlinear imaging of the tumor microenvironment provides real-time visualization of structural and molecular features, including extracellular vesicles that can be potential biomarkers of cancer aggressiveness. Courtesy of Stephen Boppart, PhD, et al. 

A team of researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has developed a portable optical imaging system that can visualize molecular features of breast tissue after it's been surgically removed from a patient, according to research published Dec. 19 in Science Advances.