Evidence supporting use of radiomics is 'insufficient' and 'weak,' according to new meta-analysis

#CTA #acuteischemicstroke #AIS #radiomics

Clinical application of radiomics for estimating the TSS. Two cases of acute cerebral infarction due to middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion. Image and caption courtesy of Academic Radiology.

Although the predictive power of radiomics has been touted as a tool that could improve patient outcomes, the method has a long way to go before it can be reliably introduced into real-world clinical environments.

Improving low-field MRI scanners with quantitative data

NIST researchers improve portable MRI

Kalina Jordanova, Stephen Ogier and Katy Keenan are among the NIST researchers who have been working on several projects that aim to advance MRI technology that uses lower-strength magnetic fields and validate its approaches for capturing images with weaker magnetic fields.

Credit: R. Jacobson/NIST

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are working on developing measurements that will provide better insight into soft tissue properties visualized on portable MRI images.