Deep learning predicts pneumonia mortality on chest X-rays

A figure from the study shows a chest radiograph with an area of consolidation involving right lower lung consistent with pneumonia, as well as right pleural effusion. The deep-learning model predicted risk of 30-day mortality of 9%. Right: Gradient- weighted class activation map shows that model prediction was influenced by separate area of image corresponding with heart and liver (yellow and light blue colors). Patient’s CURB-65 score was 4. Patient recovered from pneumonia and remained alive. AJR Image

A figure from the study shows a chest radiograph with an area of consolidation involving right lower lung consistent with pneumonia, as well as right pleural effusion. The deep-learning model predicted risk of 30-day mortality of 9%. Right: Gradient-weighted class activation map shows model prediction influenced by separate area of image corresponding with heart and liver (yellow and light blue colors). Patient’s CURB-65 score was 4. Patient recovered from pneumonia and remained alive 14 months after pneumonia diagnosis.

AI was able to predict 30-day mortality risk predictions more accurately that the current risk assessment.

'Concerning' CT findings may lead to unnecessary hospitalization in PE patients

COVID causes increase risk of clotting. Example of a pulmonary embolism. CT pulmonary angiograms in a 77-year-old man with COVID-19 and a saddle embolus to pulmonary arteries (black arrow in A) extending into right and left pulmonary arteries (white arrows) in (A, B) axial and (C) coronal planes. Arrowheads show pulmonary changes associated with COVID-19 and possible lung infarction (black arrow in C). (D) Axial image at the level of the ventricles shows right-sided heart strain. RSNA. COVID PE

COVID causes increase risk of clotting. Example of a pulmonary embolism. CT pulmonary angiograms in a 77-year-old man with COVID-19 and a saddle embolus to pulmonary arteries (black arrow in A) extending into right and left pulmonary arteries (white arrows) in (A, B) axial and (C) coronal planes. Arrowheads show pulmonary changes associated with COVID-19 and possible lung infarction (black arrow in C). (D) Axial image at the level of the ventricles shows right-sided heart strain with interventricular septal flattening (*). Ao = aorta, LV = left ventricle, PA = pulmonary artery, RV = right ventricle. Image courtesy of RSNA. Read more.

CT findings that have historically been deemed as concerning relative to PE might not hold as much weight when it comes to associated risks as previously thought, new analysis suggests.

Folate-based radiopharmaceuticals could improve detection of gliomas

folate-based radiopharmaceuticals

Fluorine-18-labelled folate PET/CT 3D fusion image of a rat subject with a glioma visible in the central region of the brain. Credit: Maxwell Miner, UNIVERSITY OF TURKU.

According to new research, gliomas—a deadly group of brain tumors that are difficult to treat—have increased folate receptor expression, meaning they also show increased uptake of folate-based radiopharmaceuticals on PET imaging.