Interactive teaching app improves reader performance on prostate MRI

Learning app improves reader performance for prostate MRI

The app is capable of visualizing multi-parametric MRI and whole-mount histology images. Axial T2W, ADC map and coronal T2W are shown as default along with basic patient information – clinical history, MRI finding, biopsy results, and prostatectomy results. Credit: Academic Radiology

Experts involved in the app’s creation suggested that because it was designed to mimic real life, its use among emerging radiologists could potentially help address the issue of subjectivity and reader variability in interpreting mpMRI scans of the prostate.

AI algorithm reduces metal artifacts on CT imaging of metallic implants

metal artifacts on CT

CT value difference between pre-surgery images and uncorrected post-surgery images, post-surgery O-MAR images, and post-surgery dl-MAR measured in ROIs on six different locations. Credit: European Journal of Radiology

This is the first study to use paired, real-world clinical CT images to evaluate deep learning-based artifact reduction techniques.

Radiation exposure in the cath lab: Tracking the impact on interventional echocardiographers

X-ray photon trajectory during the simulation phantom study from the side and top views. Due to scattering of the X-rays when they hit the lower end of the patient bed, exposure in mainly to the lower body of the interventional echocardiographer performing transesophageal echocardiography. The green lines are the scattered photon trajectories calculated by Monte Carlo simulation in the study.

X-ray photon trajectory during the simulation phantom study from the side and top views. Due to scattering of the X-rays when they hit the lower end of the patient bed, exposure in mainly to the lower body of the interventional echocardiographer performing transesophageal echocardiography. The green lines are the scattered photon trajectories calculated by Monte Carlo simulation in the study.

Researchers found that echocardiographers in the cath lab are exposed to high doses of radiation on the right half of their body, especially the waist and lower body.