High-resolution image may be key to treating Zika virus


The 3D Zika image shows glycoproteins (blue, yellow and red) and glycan in green, which could help determine the symptoms of the virus. Photo courtesy of Sevvana et al.

Researchers have captured the highest-resolution image to date of the Zika virus, which caused a global health crisis in 2015, and left thousands of babies with serious birth defects. The research team believes the finding may aid in designing a vaccine to fight the virus.

MR-assisted PET data optimization may improve neuroanalysis of dementia patients


Courtesy of Kevin Chen, PhD. 

Researchers—led by Kevin Chen, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University's Microrobotics Lab—have found that spatiotemporally correlated data acquired using a single magnetic resonance (MR) sequence may be successfully used in a PET/MRI scanner for PET attenuation, motion and partial effects corrections.