
Cardiovascular departments are playing a role in stroke interventions at numerous health systems, working as part of the stroke care team with neurologists, radiology and the emergency department. Stroke first has be be classified as ischemic or hemorrhagic. These have very different care pathways. Ischemic strokes are increasingly being treated with neurological-interventional therapy that includes catheter based mechanical thrombectomy to remove the clot. This is a more aggressive treatment compared to traditional IV administration of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) thrombolytic therapy to dissolve the clot. Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and  intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) brain bleeds can also be treated in some cases stent flow diverters and embolization coils. 

An example of artificial intelligence (AI) automated detection of a intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) in. a CT scan used to send alerts to the stroke acute care team before a radiologist even sees the exam. Example shown by TeraRecon at RSNA 2022.

FDA has now cleared more than 500 healthcare AI algorithms

More than 500 clinical AI algorithms have now been cleared by the FDA, with the majority just in the past couple years.

#CTA #acuteischemicstroke #AIS #radiomics

CTA-based radiomics can reliably estimate time since stroke onset

Radiomics features could be especially useful for determining TSS in scenarios where clinical data is lacking or unreliable, such as when patients have altered mental status.

An example of artificial intelligence (AI) automated detection of a intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) in. a CT scan used to send alerts to the stroke acute care team before a radiologist even sees the exam. Example shown by TeraRecon at RSNA 2022.

VIDEO: Radiology AI aids acute care and other departments

Sanjay Parekh, PhD, senior market analyst with Signify Research, explains how some radiology AI is being adopted outside of radiology departments to improve care.

Ischemic stroke shown in CT scans. Image courtesy of RSNA

VIDEO: AI for stroke detection on CT imaging

Bibb Allen, MD, FACR, chief medical officer of the American College of Radiology (ACR) Data Science Institute, explains the trend of using AI for the automated detection of stroke on computed tomography (CT) imaging and the need to include radiologists on the stroke care team.

Ischemic stroke CT imaging. Images courtesy of RSNA

Experts highlight early ischemic signs on CT that can estimate onset of stroke

Experts involved in the research believe their findings could help to guide providers in making treatment decisions. 

Some neurovascular imaging studies are overutilized in stroke triage

Triaging patients with stroke-like symptoms using MRI with diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) could reduce the cost burden associated with unnecessary neurovascular imaging procedures. 


'One-stop-shop' CT protocol saves time, reduces radiation needed for acute stroke imaging

The protocol does not come at the expense of deteriorated image quality, according to work published recently in the European Journal of Radiology.

Expansion of open-source neuroimaging dataset aims to boost stroke research

Researchers recently revamped the database in the hopes of expanding algorithm development in the field of stroke care. 

Around the web

The new technology shows early potential to make a significant impact on imaging workflows and patient care. 

Richard Heller III, MD, RSNA board member and senior VP of policy at Radiology Partners, offers an overview of policies in Congress that are directly impacting imaging.

The two companies aim to improve patient access to high-quality MRI scans by combining their artificial intelligence capabilities.