Womens Imaging

Women’s imaging encompasses many radiology procedures related to women and the diseases that are most prevalent to women such as breast cancer or gynecological issues. Mammogram, breast ultrasound, breast MRI and breast biopsy are the most commonly used procedures.

MedCognetics CogNet AI-MT technology is the first embedded AI cancer detection system built into the mammography system to eliminate eliminates latency and delivering immediate, high-quality image analysis and can help prioritize exams in the worklist

AI loaded onto mammography systems can flag possible cancers in real time to speed workflows

A new AI solution offers complete mammography analysis on the imaging system, in the radiology workflow, to reduce the wait time for results. 

breast cancer screening mammography

AI accurately predicts breast cancer years before diagnosis

This information could help providers personalize breast cancer screening strategies and initiate treatment earlier.

mammogram mammography breast cancer

Over half of eligible women skip their mammogram

According to new survey data, nonadherence is not for lack of concern about the disease—75% of the women surveyed reported being concerned about their breast health.  

breast cancer month ribbon

Breast cancer rates are on the rise, new report reveals

This week, the American Cancer Society’s annual Breast Cancer Statistics report revealed several eye-opening figures.

Post-mastectomy radiation therapy can be safely shortened prior to breast reconstruction

New research suggests that treatment regimens can be nearly halved without increasing the risk of recurrence or complications further down the road. 


Patients covered by Medicaid less likely to undergo 20-week ultrasound during pregnancy

Babies born to women with public insurance also face lower odds of being diagnosed with congenital heart defects before birth, new research suggests. 

Breast arterial calcifications (BACs) identified on screening mammograms may help identify women who face a heightened risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD), according to a new analysis published in Clinical Imaging.

Younger women with breast arterial calcifications are at markedly higher risk of major cardiovascular events

Currently, there is no standardized reporting requirement related to BACs, and ACR classifies reporting vascular calcifications on breast imaging as optional. 

Radiologists report fewer false positives when they have access to prior mammograms

Viewing patients' priors consistently improves readers' performances, regardless of experience level, specialization or the volume of screening mammograms they are accustomed to reading. 

Around the web

GE HealthCare designed the new-look Revolution Vibe CT scanner to help hospitals and health systems embrace CCTA and improve overall efficiency.

Clinicians have been using HeartSee to diagnose and treat coronary artery disease since the technology first debuted back in 2018. These latest updates, set to roll out to existing users, are designed to improve diagnostic performance and user access.

The cardiac technologies clinicians use for CVD evaluations have changed significantly in recent years, according to a new analysis of CMS data. While some modalities are on the rise, others are being utilized much less than ever before.